Tuesday, September 23, 2008

7 Months for Maxiffin...


Vanessa and Raymond said...

Awe...I want to come play with Max! You know our boys have to be friends someday! That is if Max doesn't eat baby Dondlinger...or it could be that baby Dondlinger comes out huge and will eat everyone!

Heidi said...

I love the picture of Max rolling his tongue! What a very clever boy he is! Happy month #7!!!

Odessa and Jeremy said...

I just want to Hug him....Bridger will love that your blog has new pictures. He asks to see "Maxi" at least once a day.

symonie said...

I cannot wait to see the little punkin. How can he be 7 months old already?

Lil Gma said...

He is adorable. I go on your blog just to hear the music.

Lisa Lou said...

He is such a happy little guy! And those little dimples are absolutely adorable....