Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hanging with these two duffers

Now that the other two are in school, I hang out with these crazies all day.  What fun it has been to see them in action without the older kids.  They seem a few years younger and we get to watch Sesame Street in the mornings and play pretend.

Iver's Birthday

A Few of Max's Latest Lego Creations

4 Weeks

Z is a pretty good baby.  He does what he should and is just fussy right when we are eating dinner and getting the kids ready for bed.  He eats every chance he gets and tolerates the other kids that are constantly right in his face.  The top of his head has lost all hair, just like a normal Udall baby.

Avalon's Princess Party

Before the Kuehnes left, Avalon asked if she could celebrate her birthday with her girl cousins SO we did just that.  Adayla, Tally, Ryann, Xanthy, London, and Teegan came for a ROYAL PRINCESS PARTY.  They crowned Avalon a real queen and had a lovely ball.  They are dressed up in Little Grandma's work clothes.  We did sticker tattoos, ate loaded waffles, and opened presents.  It was so much fun.

Enzio at 3 Weeks

Silas' Star War 4th Birthday

This kid is just happy with whatever.  He really just wants to be like Max so he asked for Lego sets.  He got a Stomp Rocket, a Ninjago Lego Set, some clothes, candy, a book, and Robots vs. Ninja toys.  We pinned the head on Darth Vader and had a Yoda coloring contest.  He was proud that it was birthday and kept buying into being spoiled by telling the other kids he didn't have to do that because it was his birthday.  We went and played soccer at the open space and that was probably the highlight.

Baby Z at 2 weeks

Enzio's First Family Outing at a Week - The Pool

Knock Out Drops

Z at 5 Days Old