Saturday, May 31, 2008

Skinner Cousins

Bridger is always stealing the binkies, Max isn't attached so he doesn't seem to mind!

Great-Grandma Skinner has Rowan and Max.

Bridger, Kennedy, Maxwell, and Rowan - Lil Grandma feels sorry for people with ugly grandkids...

Max gets kissed by his pretty cousin, Kennedy.

Thanks Aunt Steph for the sunglasses, I look good don't I? Can't wait to go to the pool this summer!

Monday, May 26, 2008

The ONE that I LOVE!

Our Story...

I posted before the real date - so I get to post again. We got married May 26th last year. I haven't stopped thinking about Brig and I's story, the how we met, the how it happened, and how lucky I am. We were fortunate enough to Skype and see each other. Little Max stole all of the attention and made it so I didn't have the chance to get choked up.

We met in 2006 on a summer evening, a Thursday to be exact. It was a blind date. My Aunt Kate had arranged for us to meet while I was taking summer classes at BYU and Brig was on vacation. (Brig also happens to be my aunt's brother-in-law. Figure that one out!) He had just finished his officer training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma and was back in Utah for a month. I was actually opposed to a blind date, given that I had went on one the week before with a total tool. You see, I had been back from Germany for almost a year and was approaching 24. That seemed old to many of my friends and family, considering the fact that I had two younger sister who were already married. At that point, I wasn't real concerned and quite content being single but everyone was trying to set me up. It would go something like this, "Shayla, I know a perfect guy for you. You are both somewhat tall." I didn't like the idea of being set up at all, and the pity blind date didn't help.

Well, my aunt told me that there was no pressure. Brig was going back to Oklahoma and I would never see him again! I thought that was fair enough. Plus, she wasn't expecting anything magical to happen because he had taken another one of my nieces out just days before and didn't want both of us to fall in love with him. When he came to the door, he actually thought my roommate was me and I got a kick out of all the awkwardness. The first thing I noticed was his wrinkly shirt. Our first date foreshadowed what would come. He took me to a single A baseball, or so he thought he was going to. When we got to the parking lot, we were the only car there, and the sprinklers were running on the field. I had checked the schedule of the team and knew their game was away but I wanted to see what he would do. He did have a Plan B and we ended up catching the SLC Bees game. He had told me that he really liked sports and he knew I did - but I noticed during the game he wasn't watching it at all. (Admit it Brig, you had already fallen.) I was partially paying attention, enough to know what inning we were in and who was winning. Because the game went so late, we couldn't find an open restaurant anywhere and I was starving... so we had fast food. That only helped him win the 2nd date by saying he needed to take me out somewhere nicer that weekend. I went and we ended up talking until wee hours in the morning. We spent the next few days together before he had to go (we got an extra few days because his truck broke down.) The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

We talked everyday on the phone from that point on and eventually I fell too... he would come out to Utah every month and he proposed during Christmas vacation. He was in Shayla-la every time and would do something silly - like forget where he parked in a parking garage!

All you can do on the phone is talk, so we got to know each fairly well. Some nights I wouldn't even sleep because we talked until the sun came up and I had class and he had to go to PT. Perhaps, that is what I miss the most with him being gone - just enjoying a great conversation over dinner or on a road trip. He even would call on the way home from work and he would talk to me on the phone even after he had come through the door.

Our wedding day was unforgettable. We were sealed in the Mt Timp temple. We enjoyed a honeymoon in Grand Lake, Co... and for those of you calculating, we now have our little honeymoon baby!

We love traveling, eating foreign food, playing catch, and playing set. Brig is the best husband one can find. He is so determined and so supportive. I love reminiscing about our courtship. Baby, du bist die Beste! Can't wait until we can celebrate together.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ich liebe dich, Schatz!

This past year has been the best year of my life. I look forward to the many years to come (especially the ones we can spend together.) Think of the things we have already done - a trip to Germany, temple visits, family vacations, CAVS games, and not to mention the fact that we have the cutest little boy in the world! The greatest knowledge that I have is knowing that families can be together forever. I am so glad you are mine. Know that I am thinking of you throughout the whole day. I love you mit meine whole Herze. Happy Anniversary!

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together

MMM it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone
When the morning light sings
And brings new things
For tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too
Too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree now

It's always better when we're together
Mmmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no, combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're better together

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


A wise man once said that you can not let the weather control your circumstances - so sometimes you must paint in the rain. Well, I am trying to convince myself that this doesn't apply to me! As most of you know, Max and I came to Wyoming from a sunny Oklahoma. We have seen 2 snowstorms in the month of May and because our little systems were use to the mild humid weather we left, we have gotten everything under the sun since the transition. I have had pink eye twice now, and Max has a nasty case of what Odessa has called croup. I couldn't really paint in the rain if I wanted to. But to see the positives, I have been able to read more often than I have in the past. I have started 3 books.

One book is a compilation of treasured letters written to loved ones during a separation. A good one for me to start off with, huh? It hasn't caused puddles of tears, just a way of seeing someone else put my feelings into words and a supreme gratitude that I have Brig for a lot longer than I can even fathom. The physical separation can be hard, but we are able to communicate on the phone every so often and via emails. I can only say, the Lord knows what his is doing (we kind of got use to these forms with our long distance dating relationship.) And needless to say, we miss Brig dearly but are doing quite well and are more than blessed.

Little Max, who isn't quite so little, keeps me going. In the last little while, I have begun to see a glimpse of this precious child's personality. He is very active - I have to change his 'environment' often since he can not change it himself. He can only be in the swing for 20 minutes, watch the lights of this piano toy thing for 15 minutes, and be in the bath for 10 minutes before he needs something else. (Throughout this post, I have held him, put him on the floor, turned on the piano toy, and picked him up again.) He loves to be held although he never quite relaxes. He can sense when someone is not happy by a loud voice or a dissatisfied face. On Mother's Day, I was making the comment to my brother-in-law that I was not part of the 'mothers' this year because my child did not even know I was his mother. I still felt like my mom's little girl who needed to celebrate her and not quite ready to join the ranks of the best title of 'Mother' myself, trying to push off that huge responsibility until next year. Well, Max has proven me wrong! In the morning, when I am finally awake, and Max (who somehow magically gets from his crib to my bed at some point in the night) looks up at me and sees that I have finally come to, grins from ear to ear and I can tell for that brief half-second, that he knows I am his mom. (And I am sure he is thinking, "I slept well, didn't you sleepy-head?" I smile back and our day starts. He smiles when he hears my voice and makes eye contact with me if someone else is holding him. I am in two worlds with him - wanting to see him do more, like even reach for the little stuffed pig I put in front of his face, and wanting to hold that 8 pound scrawny little Muffin again! In Brig's mind, he still is skinny and scrawny... I suppose this idea of wanting to see what lies ahead and having the past will always be what you want as a mother. I already know that they grow up too fast, and he is only 3 months old! I love being a mother and am even more grateful for my wonderful mother who is still raising us...

Besides reading, we have watched my little brother, Corde team rope at a rodeo, and some of my little sister's soccer games (Julionna). I have enjoyed being with 3 of my sisters again. We have definitely caught up on lots of gossip and reminisced about the growin'-up days. (We can make fun of each other and laugh til we cry.) Just yesterday, I was kinda grumpy and so was my sister, Josie, so we decided to be grumpy together! We went to the rec center to work out and wanted Ice Cream Land afterward! Great combo... She brought us Italian Creme' Sodas today on her lunch break. Odie and I had a chance to visit when amazingly both of our kids were asleep at the same time... we talked about in-laws. Hers a bit more in-law like than mine! I was thinking about how lucky I am and that I actually enjoy my in-laws. I have visited with Morgs, Chels, and Steph on the phone this week! Corny I know, but I love my sisters. They really are the best friends that know you so well and still LIKE you! I never thought I would think of having more - but I am kinda excited thinking about Corde getting married and giving me another one! OH DEAR!

Well, Max is bored (and if you are still reading, I am sure you are too) and I need to eat something. Now that I have waited until this point, I will have to munch on something quick with him hanging over my arm! Is my child abnormally spoiled, or do other moms want to admit to it too?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bath Time

More Muffins

This isn't a real smile, but you can still see his dimples
Lil Grandma gives lots of kisses
He just doesn't smile on demand
Daddy's genes are dominating the board, looks like his eyes will be brown
He is so soft and snuggly, when he is asleep

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bridger and me
He is quite the busy boy. I am glad I only
have one right now! We are having a great time with
the Jensens though. Today was Corde's prom and
they do a Grand March down the red carpet, and
Bridger marched down the carpet and had everyone
laughing. He had on his cowboy boots, and luckily his clothes.
Our little Haas
At the doctor on Friday, he weighed in at 16 pounds. He
has doubled his weight ALREADY. This is usually a good thing
at 6 months. The doctor didn't even let me say anything she
just came in and reassured me that when he starts walking, he
will lose it pretty quickly.

My Brother, Corde

I just love this outfit. Grandpa loves it too! He

can't go for any rides though on Grandpa's Harley, or ever if I

have the final say!