Thursday, November 21, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Ugh!  I am so not ready for this but the kids loved it.  Brig left on a business trip and it decided to snow so I called my own snow day since I didn't want to haul all the kids out this morning to take Max.  We had a blast and they got cereal for breakfast and dinner. (I got a few drops of awesome but am definitely out of the running for Mom of the Year.)  I didn't get any pictures of Silas in the snow because I didn't let him stay out very long because he kept putting his head down in it and laughing.  I was afraid he would get an actual brain freeze.  We came in for some hot chocolate and ended the evening by the fire watching a Christmas movie.  Yeah Dad, have fun in Idaho where it is cold but without snow and cute kids!

Grandma and Grandpa are back in town! (At least that's how close it feels after Mexico...)

 (Forgive me for the overexposure... the settings were off because I have been doing some photo training- and as you can see, I need a lot of it!)

Thanks for your wonderful visit.  We hope you'll come again (even if we are now a bit out of the way)... We are so glad you are back in the states and we can see you more often.  These kids couldn't get enough attention and have talked about the good times again and again.  Grandpa played ball and all sorts of games (even though he came down with a cold) and Grandma read and told stories.  

Aya's look says it all...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

BOO at the ZOO!

 Umm.. Is that Little Grandma 30 years prior?

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