Today is my mom's birthday. Unfortunate for her, I will never forget how old she is because I will always be 30 years younger. Her increase in age just reminds me how old I will be come January. For some reason, I feel my mom's birthday is a holiday and now that I think about it, it might as well be. In fact, when I was on my mission, I missed home more on Oct. 28
Th than I did on Christmas. I remember doing sit-ups in my apartment, and every time my head touched my knees, I thought about some thing she had done for me that made me so grateful for her. In honor of her, here are a
few of those things: (if I did the sit-ups today, I would hurt so bad tomorrow morning that I couldn't get out of bed for a week)
She wore the same pair of big, blue, dorky glasses for at least 10 years so that my siblings and I could get trendy, new ones every couple of years.
She made my lunch every day, catered just to me - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with grape jelly that wouldn't get mushy, a pack of raw
Ramen Noodles, a snack, something to drink, and a love note.
She came to all of my sporting events even if she forgot me a few times after practices (with 8 kids it was bound to happen).
She taught me about the Saviour's love and what it is to be selfless. She taught me to pray and and to always rely on the Lord.
She has always had faith in me, even if it was her faith I was wanting to lean on. She told me again and again, "I don't worry about you, I know you will make the right choice."
She reminds me not to be a nagging wife and shows me what it means to truly love my companion.
She never yells, gets upset, gives up, or judges.
She is pretty much perfect. I can never repay her but as a start, I have given her the two cutest
grandchildren she has! (Don't get me wrong -Kennedy, Rowan,
Adayla, Tally, Ryann, Madden, and Bridger are up there too!) Enjoy some pictures of your
grandbabies, Mom, and just know how much the Udalls love you.