Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
We're so glad that Daddy is home...
Just wanted to give a quick update since both of my boys have been sleeping since 8:30, and I don't know what to do with myself. Brig came home on Friday night. He came unexpectedly. He had told me just hours before showing up at my grandparents door that he wouldn't be here until Saturday... It was an awesome surprise. It couldn't have been more perfect. I had had a crazy week getting ready for him to come and trying to finish end of the term papers and other projects for school. My sister, Chelsie, was here with her little boy Madden and I couldn't have done it without her. She babysat Maxiffin, cooked dinner, and did my grocery shopping. Sidenote: Thanks, Chels! I am so grateful for your help. Max loves his Daddy, which is no shocker if you know how well Brig does with kids. They have watched "Happy Feet", spent hours laughing at the dinner table (Brig is LOVING the eating experience with Max - as you can imagine), and bonded while I finished up my last two finals. Brig can't seem to get enough of him. Muffin imitates him with sounds and says, "Da-Da-Da!" The first day Brig was here, Muffin crawled for more than a few feet, like he had been waiting for Daddy. (He still likes to Army crawl.) He has also started pulling himself up - and peers over his pack-n-play in the morning when he wants us to get him out. It has been so much fun! We will post some family pictures around Christmas. Hope you are enjoying the holidays as much as we are!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
It is OFFICIALLY Brig's Birthday in IRAQ... Happy 28th Lt. Udall!

If I could go back in time and do things over, I am sure I would change several things. I might have stuck with one major and stayed at one college. I might have not quit playing soccer. I might have worn a more modest dress to my senior prom. I might have read more books to my little sisters, and read more books - period. I might have reconsidered dropping a stink bomb on my neighbor's porch, ringing the doorbell, and running. I might have given more kisses to my parents instead of silly crushes. I might have stayed awake in early morning seminary. I might have been even more kind to Jason K. I might have gotten my older sister back for pinning me down and letting spit splat on my face. I might have convinced my Mission President to let me stay as long as the elders. I might change a million things - BUT - I wouldn't change one thing for sure... and that is my decision to marry BRIG. Many of those things that I would change, led to our story, and therefore, I would actually keep things exactly how they are for fear of messing up what is so perfect in my life and to keep him as my sweetheart FOREVER. I have an awesome companion and I consider myself the luckiest girl in the whole wide WORLD.
Brig, you are amazing. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with you. You captured my heart when I saw you play with your nieces and nephews and I knew I had found my match. You are sweet yet tough, serious yet hilarious, and man yet still forgiving. I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from far away and I want you to know that I will be thinking about you all day today. We will celebrate when you get home.
Brig, you are amazing. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with you. You captured my heart when I saw you play with your nieces and nephews and I knew I had found my match. You are sweet yet tough, serious yet hilarious, and man yet still forgiving. I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from far away and I want you to know that I will be thinking about you all day today. We will celebrate when you get home.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Many Faces of Maxwell
Max is 9 months old. (sniff, sniff) I can't believe it... and I am sure that Brig can't believe it either. Daddy has been gone for 7 months - and we only have 20 days, 486 hours, 29208 minutes, and 1752523 seconds left. Brig told me the other night that time has begun to fly. I guess I need to quit watching the seconds on here...
Max and I put lights on our Christmas tree tonight and lights around the patio railing outside. My neighbor came over and said that it was forbidden to do Christmas this early. She told me that we are skipping Thanksgiving. I wish I could skip it, and it was only 19 days until the sweet reunion. We danced around the house to "Let it Snow" and I told Max about the little baby Jesus in the manger for FHE. He enjoyed a Hawaiian Delight for the treat. I had a few bites in between his screams.
Little Muffin is so hilarious. He still loves the word "eat." He has enjoyed some new tastes. He also added the word "truck" to his list of favorites. He has this plastic dump truck that he is obsessed with. Even after he gets mad at it, he still wants it. I take it away and give it back several times a day. When it rolls away, he tries so hard to reach it. It might be the motivation he needs to get moving. I haven't minded him being sedentary, although he still finds the pieces of leaves and crumbs on the floor. He can get somewhere if he wants. It is not a scoot, nor an Army crawl, but rather a face-planted, one-armed inch-worm CREEP. It is so funny to watch and sometimes even when he is screaming, I have to try real hard to wipe the smirk off my face. We have upgraded from the Bumbo to the high chair in the last few days. I know he needed to move on, but the Bumbo was great without the tray because he didn't have a surface to beat on to go with his screams when he needs another spoonful... The dinner table is not my favorite place right now. The kid has a set of lungs and can scream for food.
He keeps me going and reminds me of Brig in so many ways. He is goofy, determined, and good-natured. I count both as my greatest blessings.
Friday, November 7, 2008
7 Random Things about Me
1) I got West Nile Virus while playing soccer in college in Nebraska.
2) I never have any Halloween candy left come November. Max's bucket was gone in 15 minutes.
3) I have a high school record for bench press.
4) I loved being pregnant. I have had the same best friend since I was 7 years old and she is having a baby boy soon (reverse roles in the pictures).
5) I don't watch much TV and to everyone's disgust around here, I have never seen "The Office."
6) I have no musical talent (and neither do the rest of my siblings although my mom has a beautiful voice). I still sing to Max at night and dance when no one is watching.
7) I beat my husband's bowling score when he first met my family and on that note, I think he has a very nice tush.
I tag Josie, Vanessa, Kim S., Heidi S. and Odessa.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hi Daddy!
I just wanted to write before I have to go night-night. I got to stay up later tonight because it is the weekend and mom had a friend over and because the living room is my bedroom - I couldn't go to sleep. Mom is hoping that I will sleep in, but I'm not going to just to get her back. I am mad at mommy because she wouldn't share her creamery ice cream with me. I am excited for you to come home because you will always share, right Daddy? I starve around here. Can't you tell that I have dropped a few pounds - I need some insulation for this Utah winter. I need more dairy than just milk. Can you have a talk with mom and tell her how I feel? I just don't think she gets it. She is so inconsiderate sometimes, eating ice cream in front of me and not sharing a single bite. She is an ice cream hog! Her friend wasn't that nice either. Please Daddy, do your favorite son a favor - but don't tell mom I mentioned it. Please tell her as well to quit taking pictures of me when I am not fully clothed. I did think this one was funny though. Just thought I would moon you! I wanted to tell you what a typical day for "Max" is like. I wake up around 6:30 and mom is slow to hear my cries. I cry until she comes to get me and then she takes me back into bed with her. I love sleeping with her. I go back to sleep until 8:00. Mom usually takes off her watch or gives me her cell phone to play with for a few minutes while she tries to sleep. I will chew on them for a minute but I figure she has to get up anyway, so I let her know I am ready to really play. She gives me toys on a blanket and I play while she gets ready. When the toys get away from me, I dive for them and I go from sitting to my tummy. I don't like it. I know that there has got to be a way to move, but I haven't figured it out yet. If mom doesn't feed me more, I guess I will have to learn so that I can fend for myself. I like everything except olives, but even then, I wouldn't spit them out because I was afraid I wouldn't get anything else... so I left the four chunks sit in my mouth but never swallowed them. I went to the baby-sitter for a few hours while mom had class. I am always a good boy at the sitters. The other little kids are so silly - I just laugh at them the whole time. If they only knew! Mom skipped her biology class today because she didn't study for the quiz and so she picked me up early. I am always happy to see her... I ate and then took a little nap. I woke up screaming because I have what I guess you call 'teeth' coming in. I figure why do I need teeth for ice cream and suckers? Maybe you can tell me why. We went for a long afternoon walk. We always stop and look at the pretty temple. She sings songs to me about it. I love to go on walks, sometimes we go faster than others. Today was a perfect fall day. We visited Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert... and I played catch with Grandpa. I laughed the whole time. I had a tummy ache so I got to ride home in the stroller partly naked. The fresh air felt good. I guess when you get home we can have a snowball fight. I'll be throwing like a pro by then. Just ask Grandpa. He thinks I am really coordinated. I am just hiding some of my talents. I wanted you to know that I met Mia, and it was love at first sight. She is a cute little honeybee. What do you think? Is she a keeper? I tried hard to impress her by blowing my party horn for her dad but I'm not sure that won her over just yet. Do you have any suggestions? Mama seems to think you are pretty smooth. She talks about you all the time so I guess you won her over. Don't think about kissing her though, because she only has kisses for me... and if you think differently, we will fight for kisses. You look pretty scrawny to me so I'm not so sure it wouldn't be a fair battle. I did take another nap late afternoon and I got 'mixed berries with bananas' for supper. Yum! But I didn't get dessert. Don't forget to have a talk with mom! I get really silly at night. Mom tickles me and roughs me up - she doesn't do it just right, she's still a girl. That's why I need you. I can't wait... Daddy, I just want you to know that I miss you sooooo much. I love you to the spoon to my mouth and back. We pray for you in the morning and at night. Ruf uns an! Your one and only,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
english errors...

I am definitely more right-brained than left-brained, which is quite odd because my family consists of mathematical geniuses. I am not artsy by any stretch of the word, but I do like some artsy things. I thought that I could spell and write and I am always harassing my husband, who is an English major, when he makes grammar mistakes. The other night I got an email from him that asked this question, "By the way, is that little muffin man ever going to crawl now that he's losing some wait?" I laughed and quickly responded by being a little buster and corrected him. Well, Brig won back a few points on the scoreboard. He quoted me in one of my last posts... "and you aren't aloud to argue." I can't weight until he comes home... sorry Brig, maybe I shouldn't be aloud to post things allowed on our blog.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Girls Night Out - Round 2
What better to do then go to Macey's Grocery Store
and get cheap ice cream cones. Even the KING KONG, which
Jess and Alli went for, cost $1.49. We had churros at Sams
and hotdogs... and watched "She's the Man." Any suggestions
for Round 3???
We went to the homecoming parade that was basically
right outside my apartment door. Natalee got us lots of candy!
She shared a sucker with Max and that made him
a happy boy. We had to have hot chocolate afterwards.

Jess and Alli are my heros for even trying. They both
got really close to conquering KING KONG! Ask them how they felt
in the last picture... that is a bit of a pose - I would say. Next time,
I am going for the challenge... I think it would be an easy task
if Max helps out....
Monday, October 13, 2008
Gratitude Monday
once - I think we better get a 2T hat for this kid. Two words-
One of the focuses of this past conference was gratitude. In Alma 34:38 it says to live in thanksgiving daily. Brig often refers me to Elder Wirthlin's talk when I am having a rough week. I have decided to make Monday my day to only give thanks to my Father in Heaven. Here are a few things that I am grateful for:
A wonderful husband and friend, who provides for our family so that I can be with Max... he is so awesome. Yesterday I was feeling quite down and sad. I hadn't heard from him for a few days. His internet was up again and he called from Skype and the call dropped and he kept calling back (at least 10 times). He immediately ended my sadness when he began talking about our last Christmas vacation. On the way to Salt Lake, he got paged on the intercom for having explosives in his bag (we were taking our nephews rockets with engines)... and on the way back to Oklahoma, our plane filled up with smoke and we stayed an extra day due to a very scary emergency landing! Brig, I kin ye! Only 56 more days!
The sweetest and cutest little boy in the world, and you aren't aloud to argue. We are so blessed to have him. He came right from the get-go, but had it not worked out that way - either Brig would have been in Iraq for his birth or we would have had to wait what seemed like a long time for us. Plus, I would have been a very lonely girl! He brings so much joy to our lives. You can't go wrong when you trust in the Lord.
A very big and supportive extended family, which includes A LOT of people. I am grateful that our families have been so kind. The Jensens let me stay with them for the first few months - and I will forever be grateful for their generosity. I have to specifically mention, Chelsie... because she seems to call just when I am needing some company and sends me letters and emails that brighten my day! The Gilberts and the Moffats show lots of love including babysitting Max and giving me garden vegetables. The Udall clan in Springville has kept Max on some occasions and they have invited me out to dinner several times. My parents and Brig's parents check in and keep me up-to-date! I am not sure what I would do without you guys! Great Grandma and Grandpa Skinner have sent Brig a few goodie packages.
A prophet on the earth
Prayer (a Heavenly Father who doesn't let me feel alone)
A running car with heat and air
A computer with a web cam and email and a printer
A warm comfy bed
Fresh produce
Hot showers
Neighbor kids
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