Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Kuehnes came all the way from London to trick-or-treat in Provo!

 How precious is this cute lady bug?  Baby Xanthy is
such a good baby.  She just smiles at everyone and does
this sweet little grunting for hours on end.  And she
already self-entertains on the floor and is so content.
Here's hoping for a Xanthy baby to come our way!
 The Kuehnes requested Dominoes pizza for dinner.
Grandma Gilbert hosted all of these crazies.  It was
delicious (especially after the delivery boy brought
the right barbeque chicken pizza with bacon)! 
 Can you imagine how happy Avalon was to have
so many girl cousins to play with?  She bossed them
around and made them do ballet with her and put
dress-ups on.  She slept in her princess costume for
a whole week after several battles.  One night, I was 
really done with it.  And she cried, "But Tiana (as I have become), if 
someone sees me while I am sleeping they won't think I am beautiful without
my pretty pink Seeping Beauty dress!"  I told her, "Princesses
can look beautiful without their frilly dresses.  I don't sleep in
a dress and you still think I look beautiful, right?"  She replied with a
quick, "No I don't!"  I learned not to ask stupid questions like that!

 The seven little busters before trick-or-treating
 The Ninjas with their Sensei and Princess
 This sweet little Ninja can say "Hija!"
Princess Sleeping Beauty nabbed the real
Sleeping Beauty dress from her cousin before
the night was over and danced around the house
til we forced her to take it off.  She slept with it, 
but at least not on!

We had a great night.  Brig was so kind as to buy
Adayla and Tally's candy so we now have a real
good stash (and he has already hid it from me.)
I woke up dry-heaving this morning with a bad
tummy ache so I guess my 10 pieces did me in.
We took the older girls and Max to a neighborhood
haunted house and while Adayla laughed her head off, poor
Ryann sobbed.  Uncle Brig was able to calm her.
Max was given two whole regular-sized candy bars that
he devoured- along with several tootsie pops.  Avalon loves
taffy and M&Ms.  She told me she wanted to be like me
when I was little, and eat all of it in one night!  I did stop
that from happening...  the mean ugly mom that I am now.

Morgan and I had a good laugh when my very elderly
neighbor handed out fun-sized candy bars that she
had cut in half.  Those were just too big and could
go further if cut in two... not a bad idea, huh?