Monday, September 17, 2012

Maxwell speaks...

I've been writing down a few of the funny things Max has said lately and thought I would post them so I don't lose the paper.

"Mom, do you think Dad knew when I was a baby that I was going to be such an awesome kid?" We know he needs a few lessons on humility.  In a way, I think telling them there are smart, beautiful, and awesome is okay because before long - they will be in school and learn that their heads are big and they aren't to some as cool as they think they are.

"Mom, do I have to be an adult when I resurrect or can I still be a kid?"
The preschool kids were telling when their birthdays were and how old they were going to be.  Brig heard them and said, "My birthday is in December and I am going to be 32."
Max: "Yep, and then he is going to die.  Everybody becomes a person and then dies."

He said the blessing on the food at our friend's house yesterday and prayed that... "we all would listen to the good voice."

In preschool, I asked my students why the letter A is so important.  No one responded and I went on to tell them about the first letter of the alphabet.  Max then raised his hand and said, "But do you know what is importanter than the letter A?  Jesus!"  And all week he reminds us that Jesus is importanter than pink, and Young Womens, and Scouts, and taking a bath.

Max: "Mom, would you be so sad if Peanut and me got eaten by a monster?"  (I will have to tell my mother-of-the-year story about this later.)
Mom:  "Oh yes I would be so sad.  But I don't have to worry about that happening since monsters aren't real and even if something did happen to you, I know Heavenly Father would help me get through it and that I would see you again."
Max:  "Yeah, Heavenly Father watches out for me even when I'm mean to my little sister.  He really loves us."
Mom:  "True.  He still loves us when we make mistakes and we all make mistakes.  I even have to work on being more obedient."
Max: "Yeah, sometimes you get 'frustrating' -he meant frustrated-.... like when your eyes GET ALL BIG, like this.  (And he shows me just how I do it when I am mad.)
I'm slowly learning to take correction from my kids.


The Laundry Queen said...


Lil Gma said...

I just love the little kids thoughts. There use to be a show on called kids say the darndest things. Go Max you whip those parents into shape.

Lil Gma said...

Make sure to write them down cuz you dooooo forget.