Monday, November 14, 2011


I made taco soup last week and when we sat down to eat the conversation went like this:

Max (after looking into the bowl I set in front of him with a not very excited look):
Can we have those other sandwiches with cheese in them?

Mom: You'll like it, it's taco soup and you love tacos! Just have a bite.

Max: But Mom, where are the tacos?

Mom: It is soup, which means you eat it from a bowl and the shell is not needed but it has lots of things in it that we put in a taco

Max: Oh, well I don't like it. I had this already when I was a little boy in Africa.


The Laundry Queen said...


breanne said...

Bronson used to say things like that all the time. "Bronson, where did you get that scratch?" "Oh, I got it from fighting a bear..."

I love that he picked Africa, though!

The Speres said...

Most people would type "LOL" here, but I don't think that encompasses how hard I was just laughing after reading this. Gets me excited for my little guy to talk someday...

Lil Gma said...

How come they get so smart so fast! I can just see him saying that. I liked it when you guys went to school but not when you grew up. Somehow I can see you being just as serious as he was.