Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dog Days of Summer? No way!

With school on the horizon (law school for Brig, preschool for Shay and the kids), we've really tried to squeeze the most out of the last few weeks of summer. Grilling, gardening, swimming, ice cream, reading, movies, walks, playground trips, baseball games, and so on. With Baby #3's pending arrival, we also tried to focus on cherishing our time with Max and Avalon. Here are some random photos and then I'll post about the new arrival.

Max on the bus with dad for an excursion to SLC. Do you think he had fun?
Last lunch as just the two of them.
I also took them to McD's after Silas was born. Here are some pics of Peanut...just because I can't get enough of her.

Shay the night before having her third baby. She is amazing in every way and makes my life awesome. Next up, baby stuff.

1 comment:

symonie said...

Cute kids, Briggy! You do so many fun things with them. Taking Max to SLC on the bus--pretty awesome! You and Shay are such good parents.