Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our Starter Garden

We are living our dream here at this house - with a summer garden packed with all sorts of yummy fruits and veggies. Brig and I have both found a new passion even if the weeding is tiring (and I crawl through it so I don't have to bend over). We have been eating spinach salads (and yummy spinach pasta) for over a month now and just got our first crop of zucchini (about 16 in the past three days.) We have learned already from our mistakes. So don't leave your car door unlocked!!! We planted just a few too many zucchini. We'll have an abundance of squash, tomatoes, cilantro, carrots, corn, green beans, cucumbers, watermelon, and pumpkins.

These last two pictures were taken only about two and a half weeks apart... just amazes us how much growth can happen and even today it looks totally different.

1 comment:

RV U's said...

Impressive mcgregors :)