Being under the weather has its pros. I have cared little about the dirty dishes and the laundry piles everywhere. It's kind of a liberating feeling to not care. I am not a clean freak but I can't go to bed without having the house at least picked up... well, I have lately and it feels good. Most importantly, I have spent 'quality' time with Max and Avalon. At lot of times, I am with them but don't notice the cute things they do or if I do, I'm not doing that living in the moment thing because I am always thinking about what needs to be done and to smell the roses is time wasting. Well, I've stopped and smelled so long, I've nearly passed out. So here are some Max funnies that I've enjoyed. (Avalon has started giggling so we'll post that soon.)
First of all, I wake up to him every morning singing "Mama, I
wwwwwwwwuuuuvvvvvvvvv uuuuuuuuuuuuu," over and over again. Even after long nights with Avalon, it puts a smile on my face and gets me out of bed.
Once I picked him up and he pointed to my forehead and said, "Mama has pimples." I knew I had a few but I thought he meant to say dimples but
then he grabbed his cheeks and said, "Max has dimples." If you don't want the truth, steer clear of kids.
One of our recent favorite moments was while watching the classic
Little Rascals with him. He was sandwiched in the middle of Brig and me and as Darla and Alfalfa kissed, he looked at us and said, "
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, they
tissed!" How does he know you are suppose to
ahhhhhhh about that? When we kiss, he gets mad and jealous.
Unfortunately, he got his mom's sweet tooth. I first noticed it when he ate Lucky Charms and asked for more before his bowl was empty. I looked in it only to notice that all the
marshmallows were gone. He still does it. The other day, he finished lunch and said, "want
tookie, Mama." I told him, "Max, no more cookies." He then said, "want animal cracker with frosting on it!" What I am suppose to say to that?
On Sunday, we couldn't go to church but he knew that Daddy had went. At about 11:00, he packed all of his toys in the diaper bag and dragged it to the door and said, "I go to church... ride in Minivan, peas, Mama, peas." He loves nursery and singing time.
In one picture, you will notice he is nursing Avalon. Brig just doesn't think there is anything cute about that so he will probably flip when he sees it on here. Sorry, Brig. In the other, he is driving our Baywatch boat in Galveston. He loved wearing the captain's hat. The crazy thing about Max is his memory. Weeks later, he still knows that the captain was Michael.