Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Silas' Star War 4th Birthday

This kid is just happy with whatever.  He really just wants to be like Max so he asked for Lego sets.  He got a Stomp Rocket, a Ninjago Lego Set, some clothes, candy, a book, and Robots vs. Ninja toys.  We pinned the head on Darth Vader and had a Yoda coloring contest.  He was proud that it was birthday and kept buying into being spoiled by telling the other kids he didn't have to do that because it was his birthday.  We went and played soccer at the open space and that was probably the highlight.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Silas, what a lucky boy you are to have a Star Wars birthday! That birthday cake is about as cool and fancy as you could find anywhere! Thank you for sharing those great photos!