Sunday, March 31, 2013

Remembering Camie

It seems hard to believe that it has been a year since Aunt Camie's death. The kids spent the afternoon making cookies and taking them to the widows in our ward to honor her. This seemed fitting since she loved the elderly and lonely. That evening we ate Kozy Shack rice pudding, looked at pics and videos of her, watched a funny old school Mickey Mouse show (and laughed hard), listened to some of her favorite songs, and told stories. The kids gathered things around the house that Camie had given them and we even washed our hands with her famous peppermint soap. We did it all Camie-fashion - got the kids wound up before bed and let them stay up as long as they could handle...


Risa said...

What precious pictures! Thank you so much for telling us what you did to commemorate one year since Camie left us. Lovely to read about and to see the photos. We are grateful for you and your thoughtfulness.

Lil Gma said...

What a great/fantastic blog. So good to see pics of all.