Wednesday, December 5, 2012

While Mom cooks dinner and cleans the house...

these toots are 'just coloring.' When I yelled from the top of the stairs to see what they were doing - they forgot to mention exactly what they were coloring on.


Lil Gma said...

Oh that is soooo fun! Brings back memories of you and your siblings! Every once in a while I have flashbacks of names carved in furniture or scratched in the side of the car door. You will never forget them even though the memories dims. I have a quilt with fingernail polish and your quilt that the lamp fell over and burned a hole in it so my mom fixed it.

Lil Gma said...

And goodness where will #4 fit? In the bassinet for a while as you push it around the house so she can sleep with lots of noise as that is what she is use too. I wonder if she and Cammie are not wanting to say good-bye yet? There is so much you forget when you are born!

The Laundry Queen said...

Totally awesome.