Saturday, October 1, 2011

Aunt Chelsie's Visit

September was such a crazy, fun month. My sister, Chelsie, came to visit all the way from Ohio with her 3 kids. (I need to mention that she drove from Ohio with her 3 kids without her husband!) She has a 3 month old along with children that are Max and Avalon's ages... and she still managed to cook dinner for us and take my kids to the park so I could get something done around the house or take a nap! (Yeah, pretty much put me to shame.) Because of her go-go spunk, I got use to taking the 3 kids out and I would still probably be scared now if it wasn't for her showing me the ropes of how to manage. We spent several afternoons at the park, feeding the chickens, or petting the horses. Although it was nuts sometimes (as to be expected with 6 kids under 3!), we enjoyed their company and Peanut still prays that she can see Aunt Telsie, Madden, Rustin, and Baby London!

Here is the crazy bunch...

1 comment: said...

Reminds me of when we used to live in Denver Colorado and I used to haul around my three plus three or four others. People would always criticize me for having so many children. I finally just started telling them I had more at home, just to shock the life out of them!!
Keep up the good work, you all look GREAT!!!
Tell Brigham, Sister Hall says Hi!!!
Love ya,