Wednesday, October 27, 2010

From Albuquerque to Mexico!

Brig's parents made the rounds to visit their children before taking off to Mexico for three years. These pictures are for Grandpa Barry, since I know he looks at the blogs faithfully. (I am trying to get back in his book as his favorite daughter-in-law. He will love the fanny pic.) I get worse with blogging as the weeks roll on... Needless to say, HAPPY TRAVELS and ADVENTURES. We will miss you lots!

We had a wonderful time with them. We enjoyed a visit to the Museum of Art at BYU, made a trip to the library and read lots of books, had a picnic inside (since it was rainy), and ate lots of ice cream! Grandma cut hair and Grandpa kissed ol' Maxi every chance he got.


breanne said...

I love Max's grumpy face in that last picture! :)

RV U's said...

seriously, max is tooooo much

Risa and Barry said...

Thanks for those great pictures. They have helped us relive those lovely days we had with you. Thanks for having us and for letting us maul the kids. We miss you very much. Love, Gpa Barry and Gma Risa