Thursday, April 2, 2015

December 2014 Catch Up

We celebrate Dad's and Aya's birthdays.  The kids play real-life CandyLand at the library.  Our Christmas fun begins with our advent calendar, Christmas light looking, and hot chocolate.  Cousins come to town for Jumpoline.  We picked out our Build-A-Bear stuffed animals, a Christmas gift given to us by Andres and Josie.  Brig races go-carts with brother-in-laws.  The munchkins built a Frozen castle.  Max won a Lego contest at the library and got a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble.  Avalon continues to love her ballet class.  Aya is potty-trained and Si is just full of life and non-stop.  What more can be said?  Christmas photos to come.

November 2014 Catch Up

November's big highlight - Grandma and Grandpa visited from Arizona.  Aya finds out what it means to get bamboozled.  We all can't get enough of Princess Sushi (Aya).  Grandma Skinner is in town for Thanksgiving.  Little Grandma cooks a mean Thanksgiving dinner but with ribs and ham this year.  Shay takes Brig on early birthday date to see the Suns/Nuggets game.  We enjoy several fall days soaking up the sun.  Aya obsesses over babies and Max still builds Legos like a mad man.