Thursday, February 28, 2013
Max's Lego Party
Max is 5... we celebrated with friends and family and Lego craziness. He loved it. We played pin the head on the Lego man, a Lego straw-sucking game, and guess how many and also created Lego cars and then raced them. He requested Pigs in the Blanket and Cheetos for dinner. So delicious and healthy! He was so happy to have Will and Barry in on the fun and watch a movie with them afterwards. When the movie was over, Brig was getting ready to take them home and Will came to me and said, "I didn't think that movie was very bad. My mom wouldn't let us watch it because it was bad." I was thinking, "Oh no... I didn't think it was either but I had let Brig pick it out and use his judgment!" After telling Heidi sorry... we discovered 'bad' meant 'no good and not worth watching' instead of 'not appropriate.'
Max plays with Legos for hours a day. He is a bit obsessed and has been submitting his work to the Lego magazine with the hopes of winning a competition (and cash for more Legos). He got some cash for his birthday and has been telling me how rich he is, even richer than Dad he says. This may be true for now.
We love this guy. He is so competitive (and hasn't yet learned to lose gracefully) and keeps us making good choices. He loves the story of the good wolf/bad wolf and asks me often which one is winning. He tells us when we are doing something (like on the computer) that isn't important that God is more important and we need to remember Him. When I tell him I will be sad when he starts kindergarten, he reminds me that I have 3 more kids that will still be home and he won't stay all day. He is getting ready for his 3rd soccer season and starting karate soon. He loves to learn, do crafts, get his Kindle time, and watch Ninjago. He loves Baby Aya to death and is the first one in the morning kissing her and snuggling by her. If she sleeps too long, he begs me to wake her up. (Wonder where he gets that from.)

The Bubby Boy
This kid is in the best stage... and we can't seem to get enough of him. If he is already asleep when Brig gets him, Brig begs me to let him get him up. He has been getting his 'dad gum' molars for a few weeks now and he wakes up at 2:00 in the morning a little unhappy. When he comes into bed with us, he just kisses us constantly and tells us 'Hi Mama and Dada' over and over. He will just randomly say everyone's name in the family and repeats them to make sure he doesn't forget anybody. He has started pulling me out of my rocking chair when I nurse Aya and then pushing me to whatever it is he wants. It's not enough for him to just ask.... cause that doesn't get the job done around here. He calls his belly, his 'bubby' so that has become his nickname. Brig says we have to keep one at all times in this stage since we can't keep them from leaving it... so at least Aya is in line next!

A few more of Grandma Risa's visit
Aunt Lindy brought Grandma to our house and came with Tevi and Vaha. It was fun to get some cousin time with the Funakis and wonderful to have Grandma here. During her stay, we also had a little gathering with Cord and Heidi and fam and Tommy and Deb as well. We enjoyed some yummy Cafe Rio with the great company! My favorite pic is the one of Lily... she isn't little anymore but she is still just as cute.

Monday, February 25, 2013
How about a game of Horse?
The kids had a blast with our Mesa cousins. Griff and Max played every waking second together. Brig took on the boys in several basketball games. Silas tried hard to steal any ball that wasn't his. We spent President's Day at a park with a mini train track around it and a carousel. It was so great to enjoy the 70 degree weather. Tennille made the best meals and we stuffed our faces at Rosa's. We even got to spend a few more hours with Grandma Risa. I didn't take many pics, but here are a few.

Visiting Mimi
Detour to Vegas
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