Brig gets a kick out of Avalon and she has said some pretty funny things as of late and we thought we'd give her some needed middle-child attention.
I asked her in preschool what her favorite letter was and I was sure to get the "P" response because 'P'eanut starts with P and 'p'rincess and 'p'urple and 'p'ink! But she shocked me with: "E for EATING!"
She has named our baby "Jewelry". You ask her why and she says..."because girls love jewelry"... and she tells me that when she is a mommy she will have one special baby girl. When she blew on her dandelion the other day while being babysat by our neighbor, she wished that "the baby in mommy's belly would pop out now!"
Brig teases her all the time and said to her after she responded silly, "Do you want me to spank your bottom blue???" And she got all mad and worked up and said, "NO! I want you to spank my bottom pink!!!!" We thought she just wouldn't want to be spanked at all...
Brig and Max make up different names for her all the time and she doesn't like it. The newest one they call her is Peanacho. She really doesn't like it so I told them that they would have to get their mouths washed out with soap if they called her names she doesn't like. Well, Daddy forgot and told him... "You have to get your soap washed out with mouth." And she kept telling him that...
One of her favorite meals is grilled cheese sandwiches but she makes sure every time she orders one in the kitchen that I know she wants a GIRL CHEESE not a BOY CHEESE.
She makes Si happy in the morning while he is in his crib waiting to get out.
I clipped her nails yesterday and when I came to her thumb she kept asking me... "Is this the thumb I thuck?" She knew she wasn't saying it right but it was a real tongue twister for her and she couldn't ever get it out right.