We had a hospital trip with Avalon due to dehydration from a concussion and strep throat. Although it was a long 24 hours, she was so sweet in her little crib and we've never snuggled so much with her! She has recovered and gained her weight right back.
Brig sprained his ankle playing basketball and it wouldn't heal on its own so he's walking around like an old man with his boot and cane. Luckily, all he did for 14 hours a day was sit at the law school studying for finals. He finished his first year last Friday and the only one who can really 'jump' for joy is Max. He's the one holding us together!
I have worried about my placenta previa, in which my placenta was covering my cervix. Today we got the news that it is off my cervix and just far enough away that it looks like I won't have to have a C-section as long as it doesn't shift again. We feel really blessed because if it didn't move, we wouldn't be traveling all summer and I would have to be on bed-rest.
We had a wonderful Easter weekend with my parents. I will have to post those pictures in a bit. Here's hoping to sunny days and no hospital stays in May!

My friend, Breanne, took a few (more like 600 pics) for us. It's almost impossible to get pictures of these busters smiling at the same time, but she got some great ones and I am sure I'll post more later.