Our tuckered-out puppy...
Trick-or-treating at Grandma Gilberts - Max had to be the one to ring the doorbell.
Random pics of Avalon... eating is her favorite time of day, and she loves noodles of all kinds. She calls them Noo-Noo's.
On a cold October morning, we went to the Homecoming parade. Brig and I had a good time laughing at the dancers and gathering candy for the kids (and ourselves). We also ate the blue pancakes. The best part of that was finally realizing that Peanut's Smurf blue poo a day later came from those. She often has funny colors, but I was a little concerned about this.
We became fans of the law school intramural football team. Here it was half-time story time. Dad was the MVP. Check him out.
Just another tackle for that stud. The season ended a bit rough last week, but they are already looking forward to basketball.
Lastly, we had a good visit from one of my Wymount friends. She babysat Max for me while I was in class during Brig's deployment. I was always bummed that Brig wasn't around because I knew he would really like her husband. They finally met and talked sports for well over an hour. Wish they were still here!
I didn't post any of our trip to Arizona because I'll do it in a separate post (maybe even before the end of the year).